Saturday, June 26, 2010

how much do i reallly know about the person i see in the mirror every time i wake up,is that really me or is the real me sumerged in my soul wasitin to burst out and take i really me or just a reflection of who i think i am.if so how will the real me resurface,am i the only one whos on step one to self recocnition and realization or are there several other travellers alonside me struggling to take a step.i wish i had the answers i wish i could google me,but unfortunately life is'nt dictated out in a catalouge you are'nt told what to do what not to do.this reminds of one of my favourite poems the road not taken.....are we going on the right path,is the trodden on path really the one we take to discover yourself or is it rather the one stil covered in leaves calling out to you beesechig you pulling you towards it like a magnet.`come try me out'it spits out,despite the shiver running down your spine you step towards it because all you really want is to know who you really are because that is the only way you'll be happy and is'nt thatwhat it takes to suceed